Maintaining the Foundation of Health & Performance.
Horses will not perform to their optimum potential without good structures and function of their feet. Intermittent lameness, foot soreness, movement issues, and just poor performance can be related to issues of the feet and hooves. Regular farriery is vital for all horses.
At Steele Equine, we combine the art and science of farriery and blacksmithing. Whether it is a hoof injury, infection, abnormalities, wounds, or foot-related lameness, Steele Equine is dedicated to using their expertise to achieve the best outcome for your horse—whether they are a performance horse or your equine pet.
TJ Steele leads Steele Equine’s farrier department. He is a craftsman with the ability to take a concept and fashion it into a functional shoe for the specific need. TJ and the Steele Equine team are happy to work alongside your Veterinarian and/or Farrier to ensure the very best outcome.