Leading the Way in Results-Driven Dental Care.

With the commitment to wellness and prevention, Steele Equine provides professional equine dental services that are targeted to increase your horse’s health, longevity, and performance.

Steele Equine Dental Services provides advanced equine dental care including routine equilibrations (floating) to complicated extractions of teeth with digital radiography.

We incorporate sedation and regional nerve blocks to ensure the utmost comfort for your horse during these procedures. At Steele Equine, our Veterinarians work closely with our certified equine dentists to provide the highest standard of care for your horse’s mouth.

Yearly dental exams and balancing of the mouth by a qualified equine dentist and Veterinary team is not only important for eating and breaking down food (to prevent colic or losing weight), but also for normal flexing of the head and neck, which indirectly affects a horse’s ability to perform with a rider.